Classes & Workshops

  • Self Paced


    All the creative content of The Learning Hub Classes but choose your own time and pace!

    Each class purchase gives you access to a private Facebook Group where you can ask questions, share your creations and discoveries plus I’ll drop in each week for an LIVE Q and A!

    Sign up to my Mailing List via below to keep posted!

  • Online


    Online classes are a mixture of group sessions (run via Zoom) and home investigation. Created specifically for the Home Education Community.

    Our online space is nicknamed ‘The Learning Hub’. and ‘Hubsters’ range from Early Learners to Early Teens. Currently I offer SOSE (Social Studies) and Art.

    Online class enrolment includes

    Weekly ‘wrap up’ emails with extra links and tid bits to further consolidate what has been presented in class

    Regular Newsletters to keep families up to date

    The Learning Hub Minecraft Server for creating and after class interaction

    Private Facebook Group Page for posting our art work and challenge creations

    In person Meet Ups and Excursions for Vic Hubsters

    A once a term ‘In Person’ Learning Day (run in Geelong) to enable group activities and projects

    Please sign up to my Mailing List to keep up to date with the news.

  • Incursions

    Let me come to you!

    I offer Artist Incursions to Activity Clubs, After School Care Centres, Education Facilities and more. I currently offer Incursions throughout the Geelong Region, Ballarat and Western Suburbs of Melbourne. Sessions vary from a straight Artist Talk (plus quick fire activity) to Workshops running for a 1.5hr session to over 3 days.

    An Artist Talk includes discussion about my work process, inspiration and latest series, with each participant receiving a Goodie Bag plus participates can get their creaiivity on with a quick fire Mixed Media activity.

    Workshops also include an introductory chat and Goodie Bag for each participant but this is where the creativity really comes out!

    Choices include:

    The Wonderful World of Eric Care

    Mixed Media +

    Sculpture with Foraged Objects

    Paper Mache Pets

    Feathered Clay Creations


    See Gallery section to view more details!

  • Term 3 SOSE I The Olympics

    Age Guide 11 to 15yrs

    Runs over 8 Weeks LIVE via Zoom Fees $160 I $20 per session (additional Learner per household $80) Payment Plan available on request

    SELF PACED Fees $80

    We’ll begin our 8 week adventure into the history and cultural phenomenon of the Olympics back in Ancient Greece. The origin story, myths and tidbits. Participants will gain a picture of what it was like to experience this ancient highlight and link it to the modern era. We’ll skip on over to the 19th Century and visit Baron de Cobertin, the founding father of the Modern Games. Why did he resurrect them and what significance did it have on Victorian Era Europe? Fast Forward to July/Aug 2024 and the Games in Paris! Whilst this unit is run, the Games will be in the NOW! Who were/are the modern heroes plus how has the Games reflected societies as a whole. From Jessie Owens at the Berlin Games to Cathy Freeman in Sydney 2000 to the British Queen ‘jumping’ out of a plane, the Games are so much more than a sporting event but why?

    This unit is delivered through lecture style presentations, videos, small group investigations, online games, creative writing exercises and art project. Participants will be encouraged to view the Opening and Closing Ceremony and will be given a Country to research and follow.

    The SELP PACED option will have an adapted curriculum to suit individual online flexi learning.


    Age Guide 11yrs +

    Running over 8 weeks on Wednesdays @ 10:30 - 12pm Fees $160 I Via Zoom LIVE Fees $80 I Self Paced

    Due to popular demand, Term Three will be all about TECHNIQUE! specifically the mediums of painting and mixed media. Through 4 fun and engaging projects, Fledgling Artists will gain new skills and/or grow others. We’ll specifically look at brush work, paint application and texture. This unit will also highlight an Artist of the Week who represents the techinque used.

    Weeks 1 & 2: Brush Strokes - The art of an Impressionist

    Weeks 3 & 4: The Paint Palette

    Weeks 5 & 6: Texture, Texture and more Texture!

    Weeks 7 & 8: Let’s take that pen for a walk - From Dubuffet to Miro

  • The Vibrant & Colourful World of Ken Done

    Age Guide 8yrs +

    Running over 5 Weeks from Mon 29th July Fees $50 I Self Paced

    Come with me and dive into the vibrant and joyous world of Australian icon Ken Done. Done’s work has brightened the lives of art lovers, royalty and the everyday people for decades with his Sydney series, flora and distinct Aussie imagery.

    In this unit we will discover both Done’s influences and the influence he has had on popular culture through creating a T-Shirt or Tote Bag design and fun poster. We will use fabric paints, pastels and watercolours over the 5 weeks.

  • Hope for Health I Fundraising Art Class

    An Arty Afternoon creating to raise funds for some very special people

    Sunday, June 23 · 2 - 4:30pm

    Cost: $50

    There are so many in our little community struggling with costly health challenges, so we'd like to give a little something and let a particular group of women, and little girl, they're cared for with a financial boost.

    How? Well join me for a Sunday afternoon producing your very own painted piece on canvas, inspired by a favourite pet or animal, combined with the tranquil surrounds or provided blooms. We'll be using acrylics and pastels to bring your masterpiece to life!

    Enjoy the peaceful atmosphere of the surf coast hinterland creating, chatting and partaking in a tasty treat while giving a blessing to a precious one in need.

    Donation recipients: Koa Gibson, a gorgeous 3 year old diagnosed with Lissencephaly and needing 24hr care I A humble widowed Mum of young children with costly medical needs I A beautiful Grandma facing costly joint reconstruction surgery and long term rehab I A loved wife and mother facing end of life cancer care.

    All materials included plus refreshments and a goodie bag!

  • TERM 2 SOSE I The Titanic

    For Ages 11 to 15yrs

    Fees $160 I $20 each session (additional Learner per family $80)

    Payment Plan available on request

    We’ll begin our 8 week journey looking at global cultural context and then zoning in on the ship itself. Participants will discover passenger stories from the glitterati to steerage but also the ‘lost’ second class such as doctors, merchants and vicars searching for o new life in the USA. This is not just a boat for the uber rich but also a story of migration. We’ll discover more about the ship building domination of Belfast and the part unions played. Moving on t the tragic night of the sinking and the question of who gets saved and who and why others perish. Finishing with the aftermath and part the story plays in WWI.

    The unit is delivered through lecture style presentations, videos, small group investigations, the unit project of choice (example- Create a board game, paper dolls or a diorama). Creative writing exercises are delivered through each participant receiving a Passenger Pack including profile, ticket and other necessities for the ‘voyage’.

    Optional cooking class, where we explore the menus and cuisine onboard!

  • SELF PACED I Creative Writing & Illustration

    Age Guide 8+

    Self Paced Fee $75

    Includes 6 Sessions I Approx running time 6 to 8 Weeks

    Session 1: Introduction to the world of Eric Carle and his book making technique I Brainstorming ideas

    Session 2: Create a Storyboard - Transferring our brainstorming into a lineal story with pictures

    Session 3: Let’s make our Dummy Book! - Now it’s time to create our ‘road map’ or rough draft

    Session 4: Grab those paints and lets create our papers! - Now it’s time to look at what collage paper colours we’ll need and paint our very own papers to use for our illustrations

    Session 5: Bringing it all to life - It’s time to build our final copy. Your very own book! Following our Dummy Book, we’ll now collage our transferred drawing and write in our text

    Session 6: The final touches - Titles and bookbinding!

    Check out this little infomation video on YouTube for more details -> @JGartanded or click the YT icon in the tool bar