Every picture tells a story I The stories behind the Collection

May your joys be as deep as the oceans
Your troubles as light as its foam
And may you find sweet peace of mind
Wherever you may roam.

Irish Blessing

My Father always said, ‘a Green never lives far from the sea’ and this is so very true. Both my Maternal and Paternal families have their roots bound in salt and brackish water. From the harsh Shetlands to the Hebrides across to the South Pacific Islands followed by Australia, my ancestors of old travelled the wild ocean waves.

More recently our DNA has been intertwined with the South Western Coast of England and bays of Wales. On migration to the port city of Geelong, my father and Grandparents continued their love affair with coastal life by regularly holidaying along the Gippsland and Great Ocean Road coasts, plus favouring the Bellarine Peninsula. These trips were accompanied by the caravan or a delicious picnic basket and Thermos of tea. ‘Theres always a Bakery to find’ is a Green family motto. We too as a family holidayed regularly to Queenscliff, Port Lonsdale and Torquay. If not holidaying, we’d regularly have weekend drives for Fish & Chips while watching the ferry and ships venture out to cross Bass Straight. I’d imagine myself crossing over to Antarctica and living with the Penguins. We also loved the Great Aussie Road Trip to South Eastern Queensland to visit cousins. These ‘habits’ have continued into my adult life.

From the earliest of memories we were collecting shells, building mighty sandcastle forts with motes, learning to ‘catch a wave’ and enveloping ourselves in coastal happenings. Being a water baby and lover of books, soon my mind drifted into discovering the creatures of the coast and big blue. Later in life my love of the sea led to ocean swimming and snorkelling. I ventured to the Pacific Islands chasing encounters and ‘treasure hunting’. I also fell in love with Magnetic Island with its tucked away beaches and underwater bounty.

I continue to yearn for the ocean and taking a dip. It calls and is the place I can truly connect with the Creator. His handiwork is evident from the intricate spiral of a shell to the relational Dugong Sea Cow. I’m always adding beaches, coves and coastlines to my list. My collection of ‘treasures’ has grown vast and shapes a lot of my work. My passion for bird life encompasses Sea Birds as well as land lovers. Marine Mammals are a particular favourite to look forward to swimming with and are an inexhaustible inspiration.

‘Bad days happens to everyone, but when one happens to you, just keep doing your best and never let a bad day make you feel bad about yourself.’
— Big Bird of Sesame Street

The Big Yellow Bird captured my heart from a very early age. My daily morning company before Kindergarten tore our friendship apart. The flip side of wrestling with childhood asthma though, was our reunification when my breath would decide to stay in my lungs. These bouts would see me being babysat by my beloved work horse maternal Grandma, ‘Nana’. She too was a lover of feathery friends. We also had chocolate, baking, craft, dogs, Daytime TV and a great love for my Mum, Sister and Uncle Lindsay in common.

There were Love Birds and other assorted Parrots, Budgies, Finches, Quails and the winner of our hearts, the Canary (Mop Tops are my number one). She also developed relationships with native birds such as Magpies too.

My sister christened me President of The Secret Bird Society and it became very natural to handle and care for the assorted birds (as my Grandfather bred them). I adored these creatures but had a healthy knowledge of their duality. Don’t ever underestimate a bird! It can turn at any moment! I think this is why its so special when you do indeed build that bonding relationship. I had many a feathered friend but the inevitable would happen. My father would be driven mad by the early morning whistling and they’d be taken back to my Grandparents mansion of an Avery. In reflection, as my father was a known whistler himself, maybe he didn’t like the competition? But Im glad too as the thought of caging a bird breaks my heart.

Native and Backyard Birds have accompanied ‘We Greens’ lives for decades. From growing up close to the Barwon River to the recent adventure at the bottom of the Strzelecki Ranges, a menagerie has captivated us Bird Noticers. Watching Superb Fairy Wrens and Grey Fantails court, nest and raise in the vicinity of the house windows to the dawn and dusk Kookaburras laughing. King Parrots, Australian and Crimson Rosellas, Black Yellow Tailed and Sulphur crested Cockatoos, Galahs and Corellas, Ibis, Ducks, Pelicans, Honey Eaters and Wattle Birds, Finches, Sparrows, Miners, Magpies and Currawongs. This list goes on and on.

Believing in a relational God, I can see this connection through the lives and stories of feathered creatures. The love of a Fairy Wren family to the calling and answering of a flock of Black Yellow Tails before rain. He is in everything.

All this and more has led to recent inspiration. Creating sculptures using foraged feathers or just forming their wee bodies with the clay. I‘m fixated on their shape and personalities. Their textures and colour range too, leads me to the easel to produce portraits and moments in time. Big or small, land dwelling or water babies, featured fancies will never cease to be a muse and inspiration.